Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Goals for August.

  • Drink at least eight glasses of water a day.
  • Cut out soda completely. 
  • Work out five times a week. 
  • Consume only whole grains for a week. 
  • Walk on breaks during work.
  • Get together with my work-out buddy at least once a week. 
  • Buy a video to work out to. 
  • Bake at least three times this month. 
  • Work on gluten-free recipes. 
  • Go vegan for one whole week.
  • Move into new apartment. 
  • Post full body shot.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Well, I am officially awful at keeping up with this!

I am making a change in a big way! My arms and legs are thinner, and my waist is more pronounced, which is an awesome thing! I have only drank soda, while drinking alcohol ((another thing this lady needs to cut down on)). But, I am doing well! I have not eaten even a bit of meat for months, and I have had numerous days that I have eaten completely vegan!

I am in the middle of trying to pack up my room, find an apartment and move all of my shit. So working out is taking a backseat. But I do know that I need to work out at least five times a week, because just working out three is going to maintain my weight. Boo on that!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Find me.

I hope that by posting this, it will motivate me to fill out my calorie count every day. If you're on here, add me!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

An introduction of sorts.

My name is Ruth ((Ruthy to my friends)), I am a twenty-two year old lady. I greatly enjoy painting, Art History, reading and sewing//designing clothing. I live in a beautiful state, with beautiful people and gorgeous views. I work a kick-ass job and have some super rad friends! I make some amazing art, sew some rad things, and attend college too. What is my problem, you may ask? I am over-weight. Not just a size nine over-weight but plus-size-chunky-fat-awkward over-weight.

I have always been big. But recently I have decided that this has to stop. I am starting to get to the age where if I do not lose the weight now, I am going to have it the rest of my life. I do not want this. There are some people out there, who are beautiful larger- but I honestly feel as if I am not one of them.

I am making changes in my life. I have been weeding out the bad friends, so now I am weeding out the bad food choices and changing my eating habits. I am going to cut out the things that I am allergic to. Dairy: including milk and eggs. Meat: even the farm-fresh stuff. Wheat and gluten. Then, just to make it even better I am going to cut out soda and cut down on sweets.

I struggle with self-confidence. I feel like as if my body is revolting, that I have this beautiful person inside that hardly anyone can see through the layers of fat or past the jiggle of my body. I eat when I am lonely, when I am sad, when I am in pain, or when I am happy. I am hiding my true feelings behind food. THIS HAS TO STOP.

I am unhealthy. I have chronic pain issues, and a bad hip from a car-accident. I fear that my problems will get worse if I do not alter my life now. So this is it. This is my journey, to a better and fitter me. To health and to happiness!